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by admin | July 17th, 2015
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1 (CDC), an estimated 19 million people are infected with a sexually transmitted disease2 (STD) each year in the United States. The long-term consequences of an STD can vary greatly – while some are easily treatable with a course of standard antibiotics, others may result in life-long conditions that require ongoing treatment. Whatever the outcome, the emotional impact and social stigma associated with an STD infection is a serious matter and can cause significant distress.
When these infections are spread by the negligence of others, victims may be legally entitled … Read More
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by admin | June 23rd, 2015

According to data1 published by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning, there were nearly 300,000 traffic accidents reported during 2014 resulting in approximately 71,000 injuries. When car accidents are the result of a driver’s carelessness, people who are injured are often legally entitled to significant financial compensation. In many car accident cases, liability is conceded, so the only issue that the parties need to work out is the amount of compensation one will pay to the other. Sometimes, however, a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, and it becomes necessary for one or both parties to file suit.
Preparing … Read More
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by Thomas Stroble | February 20th, 2014
In Argentine there was a serious accident where a car was struck by a train. Argentine Township fire and police crews were on the site handling the crash that happened between Seymour and Lahring. There was no information about the shape of the vehicle that was hit, but the train was a part of CN Railroad, who is also investigating the accident.
There is a good chance that the car is totaled and the driver could potentially be critically injured if they were still in the vehicle. Depending on the circumstances around the crash, there could be a large … Read More
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by Thomas Stroble | November 27th, 2012
Some Michigan homeowners will receive a cash payment because of the National Mortgage Settlement (NMS), while others will receive lower interest rates or loan modifications.
But all should be on the lookout for settlement scams.
Michigan was one of 49 states that entered into settlements with the five top mortgage servicer banks: Bank of America (BOA), Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC)/Ally and Wells Fargo.
As agreed, these banks will use at minimum $25 billion for consumer relief aid. Consumers can expect agreements for deeds in lieu of foreclosure, interest rate and/or principal balance reductions and short sales.… Read More
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by Thomas Stroble | November 19th, 2012
If you bought an LCD television, monitor or laptop between 1999 and 2006, there’s a settlement fund that may allow you to receive a cash payment.
Act quickly—there is a December 6 deadline for claiming your money.
The settlement was announced by the Michigan Attorney General’s office. The money comes from manufacturers who illegally conspired to hike the cost of LCD flat panels.
Individuals and corporations that bought products from the following manufacturers between 1999 and 2006 can file: LG Electronics, AU Optronics Corporation, Chunghwa Picture Tubes, HannStar Display Corporation, Hitachi Ltd., Samsung Electronics Corporation, Sharp Corporation, Epson Imaging … Read More
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